
Donate to Cambodia - and you will get an aerial photo shoot!

The summer in Berlin is wonderful. But the winter - well.

So we decided to spend 4 months in Cambodia. With our Brompton folding bikes and the drone in the trailer. We would like to travel the country by bicycle to reach places that we would otherwise not see.

We will bring many wonderful shots home, but we also want to leave something there: money for the project WASH.

Children in Cambodia grow up with the feeling that it is normal to have diarrhoea. They are poor, because they are sick and they are sick, because they are poor.

We will send you an aerial photo of Cambodia by e-mail - for a donation of 5 EUR.

The money goes 100% into the project WASH.

The aerial photos will appear on this website in chronological order with your name and the recording location. Each donation covers the next picture along our route!


WASH: WAter, Sanitation and Hygienic training for Cambodia.

Clean drinking water and sanitation for 9 schools, each with 120 pupils and their teachers - that is ONE! current donation goal of "Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V.".

An association that was founded because friends of Kerstin and Roland Debschütz have had two godchildren in Cambodia for years.

Here you can read how it came about and what the association "Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V." Today

Partners and sponsors

Our donors